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Do all these campaign signs really get Votes?

Updated: Nov 1, 2022

Fortunately, I haven't seen any locations here in our district as oversaturated with signs as the image shows, but sadly, I've seen some areas that are getting pretty close. Does this really inspire you vote for a candidate?

In all the years I have been a registered voter, I cannot recall when a sign was all it took for me to check one box over another. Candidates need to get exposure and let constituents know they're out there trying, but cluttered intersections, off ramps, vacated lots and community owned parking strips don't seem like the best venues for it.

I whole heartedly support any resident who wishes to put signs up on their own property but they should be responsible for cleaning up after it or removing when vandalized. Public and commercial spaces which receive minimal upkeep on the other hand, just don't have the same aesthetic and these signs often end up as roadside litter.

Driving along roads such as Highland Drive, I cant help but notice where signs have been put up in abandoned properties or public right of ways and in my opinion it doesn't show support for a candidate as much as it highlights how poorly maintained some parts of the city are. Often it is the well meaning supporters of a particular candidate who are placing the signs in places without permission but it is my hope that municipalities will tighten the belt on this practice.

We see all the TV commercials, hear the radio ads, see signs when our neighbors support and post them, there is also this thing called the internet that roughly 90% of all Americans use so do we really need to continue placing all these signs everywhere and anywhere?

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